Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is the sequel to the all-time top seller. Chances are that you have heard the name Call of Duty before. The franchise has been around for several years now, and with each new release, it keeps making the first-person shooter a better genre. Modern Warfare 2 brings a lot of improvements over the original Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
If you haven't heard about the game, let me tell you briefly what it is about. The single player campaign takes place in the present or near future, in a fictional timeline where there is a Russian terrorist who, among other things, has declared war on the U.S.A. Without spoiling much, the war comes home in Modern Warfare 2. The single player campaign is simply put, a piece of art. It feels like a Hollywood movie, but it still manages to put you just where the action is at all times. The graphics engine has been made a lot more realistic and explosions and enemy fire feel more real than ever.
This game's strong suit is obviously its multiplayer mode. The game has been played by over 30 million people on the three platforms that it is available for. Every single night there are at least a million people playing the game. The multiplayer mode has over 40 primary weapons and 50 or more secondary weapons that you can unlock by earning XP points. There are tons and tons of challenges that give you extra points for completing certain objectives, like killing 2 enemies with one bullet and stuff like that. In addition to the killstreak rewards, now there are deathstreak rewards, because some people just like to die, right? In Modern Warfare 2 you have to unlock your killstreaks and deathstreaks and you can choose which ones to use. You can only use three killstreaks and they are common to all your classes. But, you can choose individual deathstreaks for your custom classes.
All in all, the game is simply a hit. It is a quality game that will be really fun to complete, and the multiplayer mode will keep you coming back for more; trust me.